One Little Child
“Whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me, receives not Me but Him who sent Me.”
(Mark 9:37 - NKJV)
One Little Child is an opportunity for people to support orphans and children living in extreme poverty. There are hundreds of orphans and children in extreme poverty associated with our congregations in D.R. Congo, India, South Sudan, and Uganda. One of the great things about sponsoring a child through One Little Child is that these children are part of a loving church family who verify regularly that our children are getting the education, food, clothes, shoes, shelter, hygiene supplies, and healthcare that they need and that their sponsors are providing for. We ask that our sponsors pray for and communicate regularly with the children they sponsor. From time to time we can arrange for visits with sponsored children during short term mission trips to the area where the children live.
You can choose to sponsor a boy or a girl, an orphan, a child who has lost one parent, or a child who has both parents but is in extreme poverty nonetheless. You can also choose the age of your child; from infancy through the early 20's for completion of a university degree. You can choose to sponsor a child in D.R. Congo, India, South Sudan, or Uganda.
SILVER SPONSORSHIP - For $30.00 per month, this level of sponsorship covers a child's school fees, 10 meals a week at school, a school uniform each year, and basic hygiene supplies.
GOLD SPONSORSHIP - For $50.00 per month, this level of sponsorship covers school fees, 21 meals a week (3 meals daily), two school uniforms each year, two pairs of shoes each year, and basic hygiene supplies, plus occasional toys for the child.
PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP - For $75.00 per month this level of sponsorship covers school fees, 21 meals a week (3 meals daily), four school uniforms each year plus additional clothing, three pairs of shoes each year, complete hygiene supplies, a contribution to a healthcare fund for the child, as well as occasional church or school lead recreational activities, plus occasional toys for the child.
ONE TIME MOSQUITO NET SPONSORSHIP - If you desire to bless a child, but cannot commit to a monthly sponsorship, a one-time donation of $15.00 provides a high quality, insect repellent treated mosquito net for a child in need selected by a local minister or teacher in the child’s community. Insect born diseases, including malaria, are amongst the biggest killers of children in much of the world and the best protection is a high quality, treated mosquito net.
TEACHER SPONSORSHIP - If you desire to go above and beyond, consider sponsoring a teacher at New Nation Nursery School or New Nation Primary School in Wudu, South Sudan. These teachers pour into the lives of hundreds of children in their community each day. Sponsoring a teach at $100.00 each month actually has the biggest impact on the most children in need because teacher sponsorship greatly reduces school fees for all children in our schools.
To begin sponsorship, e-mail us through the contact page on this website. In your e-mail, include your full name, mailing address, phone number, email address, and preferred level of sponsorship as either Platinum, Gold, Silver, Mosquito Net, or Teacher. We strongly believe that these children benefit most by having a praying sponsor who is committed to the child’s spiritual growth in Christ as much as meeting their practical needs, as such, we do require all of our sponsors to be practicing Christians. Please include a personal testimony of how you came to faith in Christ and the name of the church you are a member of.
Sponsorship payments may be made online through our secure online giving platform below in nearly any currency with the US Dollar equivalent automatically calculated. We retain a 10% administration fee from Silver, Gold, and Platinum Level sponsorships, and 5% of Teacher sponsorships to defray the administrative costs of One Little Child. As a ministry of New Nation Church International, we are a California non-profit corporation and hold 501(c)-3 Tax Exempt Status with the IRS, making donations tax deductible for those who are able to claim a charitable giving deduction on US taxes.
We thank you for partnering with us to make a difference in the life of One Little Child!

Specific children in need of a sponsor:

Currently Sponsored

Currently Sponsored